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MLT Newsletter

June 2002
















1) フリト・レイ社は"All Natural and made with Organic"を謳った新製品をコネティカット州、アイオワ州、マサチューセッツ州で試験販売を開始

2) 米国のオーガニック市場規模や世界のオーガニック農業の割合等、関連する参考データを報告....

3) 米国の肉牛業界では、小規模経営や共同組合方式に基づく製品のブランド化を精力的に進めつつ....




日経流通新聞(2002年5月28日)− 素材にこだわったレトルトのカレーとシチュー。「五島軒ヘルシー&ナチュラルシリーズ」の新製品。「函館ヘルシー野菜カレー」は低農薬・低化学肥料の野菜を使い、完全無投薬で育てたチキンのブイヨン....素材にこだわったレトルトのカレーとシチュー。「五島軒ヘルシー&ナチュラルシリーズ」の新製品。「函館ヘルシー野菜カレー」は低農薬・低化学肥料の野菜を使い、完全無投薬で育てたチキンのブイヨンで煮込んだ。好みで肉を加えても。「ナチュラルチキンクリームシチュー」(350円)は同様のチキンと野菜を使い、コクのある低温殺菌牛乳、バター、チーズなどでじっくり煮込んだ。パスタやグラタンのそーすにも使える。発売元は五島軒(北海道函館市、電話 0138-23-1106) 








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3. 最近の米国事情やオーガニック業界の話題


世界最大のスナック菓子のメーカーであるフリト・レイ社(ペプシコ社の関連部門)は"All Natural and made with Organic"を謳った新しい製品をコネティカット州、アイオワ州、マサチューセッツ州で試験的に販売を開始した。ニューヨークに本拠を置くThe Purchase社では、全米規模での販売についてはコメントを発表していない。


「これは多年にわたるオーガニック購買プログラムの積み重ねの結果であり、当社がこうした対応をしていることには誰も驚きはしない」と同氏は語った。今回のナチュラル、オーガニック製品の試験販売に先がけて、フリト・レイ社では市場に浸透している16のブランド製品について、水素添加物を含む(Hydrogenated) オイルの使用を順次取りやめてきた。また、昨年には遺伝子組み替え食品についての大きな反対を表明し、同社のサプライヤーに対して遺伝子組み替えのとうもろこしの供給を中止させ、契約条項にもこれを盛り込んでいる。

フリト・レイ社は北米でのスナック菓子の市場では圧倒的なシェア、59%を占めており、同社製品は毎週472,000もの小売店・販売店に供給されている。2001年度の全世界での売上は140億ドルを超えており、Nutrition Business Journal誌によると、このうちのナチュラル・オーガニックスナック食品の売上は5億1千万ドルであった。


Scott Silverman, organic program manager for New Hope Natural Media

MLT翻訳−英文原稿はSources: Natural Products Exclusive on Wednesday May 1, 2002

クリックでプレビュー表示 クリックでプレビュー表示  クリックでプレビュー表示 クリックでプレビュー表示 クリックでプレビュー表示  クリックでプレビュー表示  クリックでプレビュー表示 クリックでプレビュー表示


The US Organic Market

  • Estimates of consumer sales of organic food in 2000: up to $7.8 billion
  • Percent of $500 billion total retail food sales that is organic: about 1%
  • Growth in organic food sales each year since 1990: 20%
      – predicted growth through 2005: 18% - 22%;
      – predicted growth from 2005-2010: 12% - 18%
  • Acres of US organic farmland in 2000: 2 million; Acres of US organic farmland in 1997: 1.34 million
  • Largest organic category: fresh produce, with $2.2 billion in sales in 2000
  • Percent of all fresh produce sales that were organic in 2000: 2.7%
  • Percent of organic foods sales through the 7,000 - 8,000 natural groceries and health food stores: 55%;
      – through conventional grocers: 39%;
      – sold direct (i.e. farmers markets, community supported agriculture): 6%

Organic Farming Worldwide

  • Acres of organic farmland worldwide: 42 million
  • Estimates of global organic sales for 2001: up to $26 billion
  • Prediction of global organic sales in 2008: $80 billion
  • Government goals for organic land as a percentage of all arable land:
      – Belgium, 10% by 2010;
      – Germany, 20% by 2010;
      – Netherlands, 10% by 2010;
      – Norway, 9% by 2009;
      – United States, no goals;
      – Wales, 10% by 2005

US Research

  • Percent of USDA research, both numerically and fiscally, that is organic-focused: less than one-tenth of one percent
  • Number of certified organic research acres among the 886,000 research acres within the land grant system: 151 (.02%)

Who is the Organic Farmer?

  • Percent of respondents to the OFRF Third Biennial Organic Farmers’ Survey who said they would like to increase sales at the local level: 77%
  • Percent who said they plan to increase their volume of organic product marketed over the next two years: 74%
  • Percent who plan to increase their number of acres in organic production: 56%
  • Percent of organic farmer respondents with college degrees: 56%
  • Percent who have pursued graduate degrees: 18%
  • Percent of organic farmers surveyed who are female: 21%
  • Percent of respondents who indicated that their farms are single-family operations or family partnerships: 87%
  • Percent of respondents who indicated that their operations are all organic: 75%
  • Percent with mixed organic and conventional operations: 24%

The Many Faces of the Organic Shopper

  • Number of organic products sold by the Wal-Mart chain in German stores: 350 (including fruits and vegetables, milk products, cereal products, canned food and ready-to-serve meals)
  • Percent of consumers with incomes under $12,500 who told the Economic Research Service that organic foods are “extremely important”: 30%
  • Percent of consumers with incomes over $50,000 who told ERS that organic foods are “extremely important”: 14%
  • Percent of Spanish-speaking consumers in South Florida who say they look for a good selection of organic and natural foods when choosing a supermarket: 67%
  • Percent of English-speaking consumers in South Florida who say they look for the same: 31%
  • Organic foods purchasers motivated by health and nutrition factors: 66%
  • Organic foods purchasers motivated by environmental factors: 26%
  • Percent of the public identified as
      – “core” organic consumers: 6%
      – “mid-level” organic consumers: 35%
      – “periphery”: 59%

Environmental Concerns of Chemical-Based Agriculture

  • Miles of American rivers and streams contaminated by agricultural chemicals, erosion, and animal waste runoff: 173,000
  • Percent of waterway pollution caused by agriculture: 70%
  • Number of pesticides permitted to remain in milk (as of 1995): 100
  • Pounds of DDT used globally since its introduction: 5 billion
  • Estimates of annual pesticide use, globally: 4.5 billion to 5 billion pounds
  • Percentage of soybeans grown in the US that were genetically modified; about 55% (1999 estimates)
      – corn, about 35%
      – cotton, about 50%

Sources: Nutrition Business Journal, Organic Foods Report 2001; Organic Farming Research Foundation, State of the States, Searching for the “O-Word”, Third Biennial National Organic Farmers’ Survey; US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service; Foundation Ecology and Agriculture, Organic Agriculture Worldwide; Organic Monitor; Organic Newsline; Food Chemical News; The Hartman Group, Fall 2000 Organic Lifestyles Shopper Study; Natural Foods Merchandiser; Environmental Protection Agency; Wargo, John, Our Children’s Toxic Legacy (Yale University Press, 1998).; Consumer Union,Consumer Reports.




Product Trend: Branded Beef

Recent trends in consumer purchase behavior are driving growth in what was once strictly a commodity category. Small ranchers and regional cooperatives of cattlemen are marketing branded meat products, and the success of early entrants and continued demand will likely spark more activity in the sector. The majority of beef moved through conventional channels is still sold in bulk, with no brand name. But most of that meat comes from cattle raised by conventional means, and recent media attention, such as the book Fast Food Nation and Michael Pollan's New York Times Magazine article, "A Steer's Life," has consumers wary. Many branded products boast beef cattle that have been raised without growth hormones, antibiotics or feed not appropriate to their species. 

Typically sold through catalogs, branded beef products, which carry assurances against typical feedlot practices, are moving into retail stores. Examples of popular beef brands include Maverick Ranch and Coleman Beef of Colorado, Niman Ranch of California. Ridgefielid Farms from the East Coast and Snake River Ranch, which is raising Wagyu beef cattle, a cross between American Angus and the cattle breed used to make Japanese Kobe beef. Sales of fresh mea and seafood In natural products stores in 2000 totaled $397 million, only 2.6 percent of total sales. Certified organic products were only ii percent of that sector, or $44 million.

 Consumer attitudes regarding food safety are motivating sales in this category. There is also increasing demand for food items with a degree of transparency, meaning those that allow consumers to feel connected to the product's source. 
The domestic market is experiencing demand-pull, and government backing is 
available to suppliers looking to export the products as well. The U.S. Meat Export Federation of Denver is accepting applications from companies interested in receiving matching funds to promote branded meat products in international markets. Applicants must have 500 or fewer employees or represent a produce cooperative or association. 

Sources: Natural Products Exclusive on Wednesday May 1, 2002



(編集後記: 2002年6月号)



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